Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Bring modernity into your home with Electrolux refrigerators

A home can do without a lot of things. For instance, you might not need that tall tribal vase that’s begging for your attention from the showroom window and you definitely don’t need to overcrowd your bed with cushion pillows in every size. But you know what you do need? It’s refrigerators. Once considered a luxury, it’s not difficult to see why these large home appliances are now a part of every modern home. With the weather mysteriously beginning to get hotter each summer, refrigerators have become a necessity. Contributing to the fascinating world of fridges is Electrolux. Trusted by millions of homes and with decades of experience to its credit, Electrolux refrigerators are every bit modern and reliable.

While there is no dearth in the style of Electrolux refrigerators, the newest series to join the Electrolux family is the Electrolux Euro series refrigerators. Boasting of a premium finish and an intelligent coating, topped with an energy-efficient function, the Euro series of Electrolux refrigerators is worth a look. The Euro series of Electrolux fridges feature single door refrigerators in varying sizes and colors. But what makes it so special? Take a look at the list of features that these refrigerators come equipped with and see for yourself why they matter.

Nutri Light

This is a lighting system unique to the Electrolux fridge in this series. The wave treatment in this lighting system evenly distributes light around the fridge so the fruits and vegetables remain crisp and fresh.

Bacteria shield

These Electrolux fridges feature a door gasket that acts as a protective shield to keep dust particles, bacteria, and mildew away from the food.

Deo Fresh

This Euro Health setting works to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

CFC free

To add to the list of this series of Electrolux fridges’ impressive features is its absence of chloroflourocarbons (CFS).

Fast freeze

Want to whip up a nice plate of yogurt or mix a nice batch of ice cream? Electrolux fridges in this series have additional vents behind the freezer that make it freeze food at twice the speed of normal refrigerators.

Cool pack

Prolonged power cuts should not be a problem when you have an Electrolux fridge that has the Euro Technology Cool Pack feature. This feature prevents the cool air within the fridge from getting warm by supplying pre-stored cold winds. This way, your drinks remain chilled even during power cuts.

Personal care box

These Electrolux fridges also come with a small compartment in which you can store your medicines, tablets, and cosmetics. To bring home the Euro series of Electrolux refrigerators or any fridge from this brand for that matter, buy Electrolux fridges online. You can also download the mobile app of these shopping sites for a quick access to enticing deals on the go.

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